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Gold Medal Communications

For as long as I’ve been in management and consulting the absolute Number 1 personal and company problem I’ve encountered in almost every company has been Communications!

And it’s so simple and tangible and yet so very hard to resolve….
And, as always, the answer is not really that hard – you just need to know where to look for it.

Because if we focus on “fixing” communication, it’s not going to work – what we really need to focus on is what comes before and after communication.

So let me ask you two vital questions:

  1. What is it that is not happening, that you’re not feeling or experiencing when you’re communicating?
  2. And, secondly, what is it that you need to do, change or be in order to get there?

So let’s say you want to be a powerful, credible communicator so that people act on your advice and instructions and, ideally, without the need to repeat yourself, cajole or threaten – then you should focus on building your credibility as a speaker and communicator.

If you want your messages to have impact, to position yourself as an expert in your company or community, the person to go to, then you need to focus on the perceived value and relevance of the information.

Or perhaps what you would really like is for your staff to appreciate and enjoy what you say and really remember it – then look at how you connect with your listeners, what is interesting and fun to them.

If it is rapport and engagement you’re after then your listening skills and general attitude are of great importance and should be the focus of your improvement efforts.

So take some time to think about what it is that you want to achieve using this powerful and so under-utilised tool of communication and then go to the beginning – link it/them to those skills and behaviours that will help you to get there.
Also, look for more practical help in our next report on the subject.

P.S. – Please remember that the biggest danger in Communication is assuming that it has taken place!